rising green logo

What is it?

The freshest career program, giving rising stars the opportunity to shine.

YCN logo

Cult Rising in partnership with YCN

We have a partnership with the training development platform You Can Now. Across the 3 months on Cult Rising you will have workshops with YCN on their accelerator programme.
Session 1: My Strengths & Styles
Session 2: Feedback Fundamentals
Session 3: A Brand Called Me



Is this a paid programme?

Yes, we pay the London living wage.

Do I need to have relevant experience?

We require Risers to have relevant skills, not experience.

Is this experience hybrid working?

Yes, you have the option to work remotely or use our office space in East London, Shoreditch.

Do I need to be creative to apply?

We accept Risers across all departments at Cult: creative, motion, retouching, strategy, finance, production, account management and more…

How long is the programme for?

3 months.

Am I called an intern?

No! This is an anti-internship. Each role is titled <Role> Assistant.

What will I do in my 3 months at Cult?

You’ll have a mentor who will ensure to understand your goals and ensure your time is fulfilling both sides as best as possible – with exposure to a variety of work.

Register your interest